
As a chronic multi-tasker and a person with a longer than average commute in the AM, I like to get my day started before I get to the office.  Sometimes I read, be it the paper, a new script, or a novel I'm just dying to finish.  Other times I check and respond to email (the latter happening far less often).  However, something that has become a consistent part of my rush hour craziness is my first cup of coffee.  When we first switched offices, I would get my morning pick up at the Starbucks that was at the halfway point of my commute.  Now, before you go on your Starbucks tirade, I would like to point out that Stabucks is actually a very socially responsible company, but I'll save that for another blog.  More recently, I have begun to make my coffee at home more often than not, but every once in while the green apron still calls me and I'll treat myself.  

Regardless if I make my coffee at home or if I pick it up at Starbucks, I use one of my handy dandy coffee tumblers.  I'm particularly fond of the Starbucks "extreme" tumbler as it's leak proof and has a clip, so if I finish my coffee before I get to work, I can actually clip it to my purse strap and have a free hand.  Don't laugh, it doesn't look as odd as you might imagine.  I recommend that everyone who drinks coffee on their way to work, school, gym (actually, don't drink coffee before the gym) pick up a tumbler of their own.  You don't have to go with the extreme tumble.  The best time to get them is post-holiday.  Grab a not-too-themed holiday tumbler the few days after said holiday and the price will be reduced by up to 60%, bringing them as low as a couple of dollars.  

In addition to the elation you will cause yourself by realizing you're no longer just adding to trash piles by disregarding your white paper cup (although I hope you were recycling the lid!), every time you bring your own mug, Starbucks gives you $.10 off your drink.  Many independent coffee shops offer a similar, if not greater discount - and I have never been turned away for using one company's tumbler at another coffee shop.  I know you're not going to buy those new Stella McCartney boots with the savings, however, if you get coffee everyday on your commute to work (which I know many people who do), you will save $26 in a year.  So, by doing your part to save the planet, you have bought yourself 16 grande coffees at Starbucks.  Good job Everyday Environmentalists!

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