
The Fad is Fading

First – I would like to apologize for the ridiculously long break in posts. I am actually in the process of launching another site and it has taken quite a lot of time and energy (more to come).

Also, I received a tip on my last blog directing readers to GreenDaily.com. Anonymous - thanks for the suggestion. As you may have noticed, Green Daily is a site I link to on my blog, as I do enjoy their coverage. They can offer more tips and write more stories than a lonely blogger can, and think they are a great site for environmentally-minded people. I'm trying offer something very specific, and hope there is space on the web for all environmental bloggers.

Onto today’s blog: I recently read a report that advertisers are pulling back from green-themed marketing, as a result of the public’s growing skepticism of words such as “green” “eco” and “environmentally sound” thrown on just about every product that doesn’t directly result in the death of baby seals. There are two things I take away from this: 1) We must continue to encourage people to do things because it is the right thing to do and not because it is the cool thing. I realize this is incredibly challenging as almost all of the serious movement made by the green movement has in fact been because we have been able to convince people it’s trendy and because Leo or insert-celebrity-you-care-about is doing it. 2) We should place a bigger emphasis on certified “green” products. I have a feeling in a couple years the word green will be an outdated product of the past, but for now, it will have to do. Look for products with the Green Seal or Energy Star stamp of approval. And as always, use common sense. Know that produce from your local organic market is not only better because it’s organic, but also because it consumed far less natural resources in transportation than much of the produce at your grocery.

More blogs to come. Stick with me readers.