I really don't want to be one of annoying those "I was green before it was cool" people, but I was. Because of this, I find myself really excited about how trendy living the green lifestyle has become, yet at the same time frustrated at those who I know will go back to their SUV driving, light leaving on-ing, baby seal clubbing ways once no one is looking.

I'm all about raising awareness in non-traditional methods and reaching out to the young generations to engage them in this fight against climate change, but this is one of the times where I feel like the mark was completely missed. Mere hours after being on sale the bags were available on ebay for hundreds of dollars (they originally retailed for $15). Soon they were accompanying the oh-so-stylish arms of Keira Knightley and Lily Cole. "Okay," I thought as I saw girls use them for purses around the city, "Sure they're just using them as an addition to what I am sure is a large purse collection and not as a substitute to transport groceries, but at least they're getting the message out there, right?"
I had almost forgot about the bags until a few days ago, when I walked down to the uptown A, C, E platform at 14th Street and saw a woman who was using it as her purse WHILE CARRYING A PLASTIC BAG FULL OF GROCERIES. I took a few deep breathes and overcame my immediate instinct to push her in front of the train (it did help that she moved just a little beyond my reach). I still think I could have made an argument in court, not to just the tree huggers, but to any rational human being who realized the sheer stupidity of the situation. In fact, I may have been awarded a Darwin award, or at least helped this unfortunate girl earn hers.
I'm trying to think of a way to end this entry with a tip, but all I can come up with is: Don't be stupid and people won't push you in front of trains.
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