
Thank you faithful reader (dare I hope and say readers?) for bearing with me during my absence. Illness and work have kept me away, but as I gear up for my volunteer efforts in the next presidential election (which happens to fall on my birthday), I am figuring out that one must learn how to prioritize. So Everyday Environmentalists, wait in darkness no more – unless you have the lights off to conserve energy, then kudos.

My tech savvy roommate recently sent me an item from a technology blog he reads regarding one of the biggest environmentally household demons, the dryer (as in Washer And…). Not only do they consume so much electricity that Energy Star does not even find it worth the time to mark them, but they are the also the villain in many a sad clothing tale. How many times have you taken out that perfectly fitted top only to find it’s pushing the word “snug” to new limits. Or what about when you want to dry that dress, just for a minute, and then discover it covered in those balls, those dreaded little fabric balls! I would honestly dry my items by clothesline, if I had a yard, sun, or a line.

Well, for those of you who do own a dryer, a solution has finally arrived. Hydromatic Technologies has invented a devise that can be added to many dryers to not only reduces drying time by 40%, but also cuts down on shrinking!

The devise will run you about $300 when it first hits the markets, but we can hope that like the iPhone, prices will go down shortly. In the meantime, check out the link below for more information on the little Earth warrior who is also looking out for your wardrobe.


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