However, I met such an impassioned young woman the other night who worked for Con Edison Solutions. Her job is to get people like me to switch to wind energy. And she does her job extremely well.
It is slightly embarrassing to write that I was not using wind energy before, but I, like many people, thought that my entire building had to go green. I had no idea single apartments could use renewable wind energy. She explained that when you switch to wind energy, you are in essence telling your energy company where they can buy their energy from.
She also informed me that 1/3 of Con Ed's non-renewable energy comes from coal extracted from mountaintop removal mining in West Virginia…and I believe you all know what that involves.
For those who are afraid of the cost increase, I have good news. It's less than 10%. This means if your current energy bill is $100, it will go up to $108. It's like buying a beer for the Earth!
If you are trying to raise a family of four off of $40,000 a year, then I understand that $8 can mean a lot, but for all of us who do indulge in the occasional (or frequent) alcoholic splurge, why not drink one less beer, or two less Starbucks lattes, and put that $8 to good use.
Inquire with your local energy company about green energy!
Hello, hello, hello...is there anybody in there? We miss you Mistress EE!
glad i wasnt the only one who noticed. nothin like a little floyd to show someone you really care. nice touch!
Chances are I'm preaching to the choir, but if you're hungry for actual "everyday environmentalists," I've got two words for you - Green Daily (www.greendaily.com).
Sorry for the absence EEs. I have been working on launching another environmental site, this one interactive, and it has taken quite a bit of time and energy.
Anonymous - thanks for the suggestion. As you may have noticed, Green Daily is a site I link to on my blog, as I do enjoy their coverage. They can offer more tips and write more stories than a lonely blogger can, and think they are a great site for environmentally-minded people. I'm trying offer something very specific, and hope there is space on the web for all environmental bloggers.
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