Affecting in many ways, the film’s greatest success was in giving a new face to the environmental movement. Environmentalism isn’t just for bourgy New Yorkers in their lofts so they can still have a summer home in the woods of Connecticut. Environmentalism isn’t just to save the exotic animals of Africa so the rich have a place to safari. Environmentalism is about preserving the quality of life for every creature on this planet and ensuring that everyone, everywhere has access to safe and clean water and living conditions.
The new face of environmentalism is the impoverished of the Appalachia region. The men and women whose families have lived in the area for numerous generations yet suddenly find what was once the cleanest drinking water in the country running black with soot and lead and metal. They are watching as hibernating black bears and their cubs are being bulldozed into extinction in what was once the most biologically diverse temperate forest in the world. As the movie points out, this is not, for them, a fight for the environment, but a fight for their lives.
The absolute highlight of the evening though was meeting Ed Wiley, who has founded Pennies of Promise to raise $5 million so his granddaughter's elementary school can be moved from it’s current location – which is barely 300 feet away from a coal treatment facility and downhill from a sludge pond. Per him, he was not satisfied with the response he got from Gov. Machin after sitting down on the Capital Steps in Charleston, WV so he decided to walk from WV to DC (455 miles) to bring awareness to the issue. He is taking donations for the school (to which I just donated), but we shouldn’t have to! This is a public school and the government should be taking care the children there. They won’t, because to admit they need a new school is to admit there is something bad in the sludge pond and that coal just might not be so good for people in that area after all. Another fact I learned last night, coal produces the highest amount of carbon dioxide per energy attained than other fossil fuel.

Ed has met with wind power representatives and is trying to figure out a way to produce as much energy in the region via wind. Ed is taking these meetings, not the Governor. If you think this is, as Ed says “a load of baloney”, call Governer Manchin at 888.438.2731 and then visit his site to report what the Governor’s off has to say to you.
As soon as I find info on the DVD release, I will let you know. In the meantime, check for screenings in your area on their MySpace page.
1 comment:
I was at the screening as well. It was INCREDIBLY moving. Carbon taxes now!
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