This weekend I canvassed in Rhode Island for Obama and found the process to be exhilarating. Going door to door is not normally my idea of fun and I haven’t done so since I had a paper route, yet in place of the shyness I expected in myself when knocking on strangers’ doors I found courage and excitement. Almost everyone was eager to talk about who they were voting for and why, even if we disagreed (save one Hillary supporter who cursed at me).
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to go out there and support the candidates you believe in. If enough of us stood up and yelled, a green candidate member could actually hold a national elected office.
My favorite moment of the weekend was when I knocked on the door of a woman who had been visited the day before. I apologized for our mistake and her response was, “That’s okay, I’m just happy to see young people so excited about politics.”
We are excited. And our voices will be heard.

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