
What's NOT in Your Water Part II

I recently dedicated an entry to a product that I happened to enjoy called Clear2O. On my comment page, a reader asked a question – what solutions are there available for people with families, this reader having a family of five.

I do write this blog with the small family or city living in mind, but after thinking about this question, I thought about what my parents did for my family (of 4). My parents were very responsible with everything my brother and I consumed, from the meat they cooked (which I’m about to celebrate my 15th year as a vegetarian next month!) to the water we drank. Because of this, they resorted to spring water. This turned into a huge waste of plastic from the bottles and energy from having water delivered. Like the reader mentioned above, a small pitcher would not have worked for my family as we drink water like camels (my mother never let us drink soda except for the weekends, and not even often then). However, my father found a devise that did work well and saved our family money every year.

Whirlpool offers a three-filter reverse osmosis water flirtation system. This system goes under your sink and comes with a separate faucet (so you can still use plain old municiple water for cleaning and what not) AND this system does reduce lead, which was another complaint Anonymous voiced on the entry.
Of the three filters, one needs to be changed once a year and the other two twice a year, which is far less often than the average in the fridge pitcher so good for the busy family man/woman. I believe the initial cost is about $150 at your local Lowes, and then $75 a year in filters, but it saves the bottle water drinker money and time that they would normally dedicate to recycling those plastic bottles.

I hope this suggestion helps, Anonymous. If any one else has additional suggestions, send them along!

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