There’s Brita and PUR, what about the new pitcher in town, Clear2o. It claims to remove 5x more contaminants than “other guys” and holds 50% more water.
After checking out this review on Associated Content, it turns out Clear2o filters Alachlor, Atrazine, Asbestos, Benzene, Cadmium, Barbofuran, Bromoform, Carbon tetrachloride, Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorobenzene, Chloroform, Chloropicrin, Cysts, 2,4-D, Dibromochloropropane, o-dichlorobenzene, p-dichloroethane, 1,2-dishloroethane, Dioxin, Endrin, Ethylbenzene, Haloacetonitriles, Heptachlor, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Nitrite, Styrene, Simazine, Styrene, Toluene and many more.
Clear2o actually hooks up to your faucet, which means you will have to remove your faucet's aerator a

$20 is a bargain, but the platinum design is pretty cool. i think i can shell out an extra $4.99 for a sleek water pitcher. a slave to style or anything shiny! thanks for the tip. bottoms up E2.
So another cheap product manufactured overseas in China, makes it's way to the US. Does it remove lead? Hmm, no.
I have a family of five...can you guess how many times we'll need to fill that pitcher up? There is a reason why pitchers are not popular with larger families, because they're not effective in convenience.
By more than one? To take up more room in the fridge, how about the geniuses who manufacturer this waste of money design a better system for larger families? Why should I adjust, is it not their job to listen to us consumers? Oh, right, they're looking for the quick buck on sourced oversees products to remain in the good graces of Wal-Mart, etc.
Wow. Ok, anonymous commentator extraordinaire-- a couple of things:
First of all, don't get offended. I really don't mean any disrespect by this, but it's not the manufacturer's issue that you have such a big family. Actually since you do have a family, I would think it would be a priority to make sure you have good drinking water.
I don't think these manufacturers (or anyone else) should be held accountable for your decision to have such a big family. They are selling a product, so obviously they want a profit. In this case, their product is a useful one. If you decide to have that many kids, then deal with inconveniences. In fact, I hope that more companies start to make products that benefit people with small families. It might induce people to have less children (or none at all!). Not that we have a population problem or anything...wait...sorry, I have to go. Mother Earth just called and she's PISSED.
Hold up, whoa, slow down fellow EE readers. The post did say: "Clear2o actually hooks up to your faucet, which means you will have to remove your faucet's aerator and replace it with one of the two provided with the kit (which is easy enough, but watch out for those pesky reverse threads)." Which means, no reason to buy the pesky pitcher, no reason to worry about filling something up a zillion times a day for the parched fam, and no reason to worry. See? Problem solved. Zuzuzus can enjoy the pitcher and Anonymous can buy the filter (if you so desire). Where's the love folks? These posts (and these peanuts) are making me thirsty. Drink up everyone! Water optional. ;)
im so sick of these people with a litter of babies thinking that they are holy, and that the world should run around them.
the number one environmental problem is over population.
Having five kids is firstly sinful because our planet is in peril. Secondly, pathetic, how sorry is your life that you need so many people to distract you from what a weak soul you have. Thirdly, its disgusting, you're basically an animal with no function but passing DNA on.
I don't want cheap shit from China either. But the reason so many things come from there is that we need cheap stuff for all your kids. You think Walmart exists for the single parent with one kid? A bulk sized market for a bulk sized family. This is the world you baby makers have created.
One day your kids will suffer for your sins. Deny this, block this out, as you will so that you can sleep at night. But one day when the planet that made us from scratch has had enough, you will feel her wrath, and mine.
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