
Can YOU Hear Us?

The video below is not so environmentally minded, however I could not let it pass without posting it.  Several other blogs have written up some great posts about it, including FreeWilliamsburg and Pam's House Blend.

I did state that I would occasionally post about politicians, and although her rant is not against the environment, it is against homosexuals, or as she so lovely calls them, "gays."  And I can't think of another group of people who are more environmentally minded, on a whole, as my dear homosexual friends.  That fact is not backed up by any scientific evidence, and is less of a fact and more of an observation, however, I find it to be true.  Well, unless you count Sierra Club members as a group of people, but you get my point.


Unknown said...

what is her major malfunction!? what has the gay community ever done to this woman? i have a good mind to sign up rep kern (sallykern@okhouse.gov) to an incalculable number of gay blogs, websites, and listservs, but i won't. i believe in karma. it all comes back around. thank you for posting.

Indira said...

She did not just compare cancer and homosexuality! The "gays" are coming alright. Coming to Oklahoma to have a little talk with Sally. I think she needs a few gay friends not to mention a hug.

Zuzuzus said...

the gays are coming! the gays are coming! in only the best of ways. I heart the everyday environmentalist. This sh*t is hot... hot like my flesh in 15 years when it's melting off my body. thanks EE for trying to save my skin. literally.