Speaking of Greener Printing...
I have always loved Beck. I had one of those crushes you get on a person that you're not really physically attracted to yet you just want to be around -- a friend crush? (I bet stalkers use lines like that.)
Here is a new music video set to Beck's "Timebomb." Enjoy the fast facts...as you are horrified.

If you are familiar with GreenPrint, then you already know about this smart little program that helps you eliminate those annoying last pages of a printed web page, email, etc. You know, when you print from a website only to find that of the 3 pages that just came out of your printer, the second is all ads and the third is just the copyright info? Such occurrences have cause me to use many an expletive. Or what about when you print an email and the second page is just the fax number from someone’s signature. So annoying. Green Print finds those problems and eliminates them. It actually analyzes your documents and gets rid of the waste. Brilliant.
Here is the best part, in January of this year, GreenPrint decided to offer a free version in the hopes of saving 100 million trees. Not only that, GreenPrint has started donating ad space to “its environmental partners and organizations the company feels are doing important work with healthcare in the developing world.” Way to go GreenPrint, glad to see some companies still know how to do the right thing.
Earth Hour - UPDATE
I'm really disappointed that New York is not one of the cities participating.
It's too late for this Earth Hour, but hopefully this will become a yearly event. To bring Earth Hour to your city, write your representatives and let them know why it's important to you. And by write, I mean email of course.
My Footprint is HOW Big?

So I begin. I answer all of the questions truthfully and find myself smiling with an odd sense of self. I reach the end and eagerly click to find out my footprint: 11 acres. Not bad when you consider the average footprint in the U.S. is 22. I’m half as bad (or twice as good) as the average American…in short, I rock.
Then I look at the next line “If everyone on the planet lived like you, we would need 2.4 planets.” WHAT? No. Let me check again. Yes, 2.4 planets. This is a bit of a blow to the sense of self that previously made me smile. While I may be a tree-hugging hippie, I’m still consuming like there is no tomorrow. After this quick but harsh reality check, I see several links with suggestions of ways to reduce consumption. Those resources are great, but I think the site can also serve as a good reminder that we can always do more. An environmentalist struggles daily with doing what is right versus what is easy. Sure, it’s easier to throw something away when there are no public recycle options, but why not just tuck it in your purse and recycle it when you get home?
This Just In
At least one scientist is blaming it on global warming.
Earth Hour
Earth Hour inspired people to take their environmentalism to another level and to truly think about their impact on the planet, promoting one couple to have their wedding by candlelight! (I rarely use exclamation points in my writing, so that is just how darn excited I am about this idea.)
Earth Hour is happening again this year on March 29 at 8 PM, but this time, it’s worldwide. On their site, you can find out more info about Earth Hour, sign up to host an event, or check out the 13,000 businesses (and growing) who have signed up to participate. You can also find ways to reduce your carbon footprint beyond Earth Hour, so we can turn it into Earth Week, Earth Month, Earth Year, and eventually Earth Life.
Mountaintop Removal
One of its more powerful scenes is when the shrunken human Zak carves fairy Crysta’s name into a tree. Seeing what Zak is doing, Crysta is horrified and demands he stops and asks, “Can’t you feel its pain?” and places his hand on tree. Zak, being a human, can’t feel the pain and Crysta does not understand how one creature could not sympathize with the pain of another.
Growing up in Ohio Valley and Appalachia, I felt Crysta’s disbelief many times. There are certain events in life that when you see them, you can’t help but gasp in a shared pa

The effects of this mining on the surround areas is devastating. Not just on the environment, but on the people who live and work in these areas.
Knowing this, I was very excited to find out that a screening of a hard-hitting new documentary on the subject was coming to the city. And it’s not just any screening, it’s Lincoln Center’s Earth Day screening. If you live in NYC, you should definitely check out Mountaintop Removal, a new documentary narrated by William Mapother (of “Lost” fame, also a KY native) on April 22 @ 6:15 PM. This day is already very special to me because it marks my 15th year as a vegetarian (I know, it’s soooo cliché to give up meat on Earth Day, but hey, do what works for you). If you’re not in the NYC area, add Mountaintop Removal as a friend on MySpace to see when it will be playing near you.
Of all the un-green things we do as a species, war has to be close to the top the list. The chemicals for weapons, the carbon produced (not to mention the destruction) from bombs and general war fare, the pollution - it's unfathomable to me that we voluntarily engage.
HuffingtonPost.com highlighted a photo mosaic today. It doesn't need explaining and my commentary would only trivialize the power of the imagery, click on the photo for a larger image:

A Village to Save the World

I do believe it takes a village to raise a child, but it certainly helps to have two awesome parents in the mix. My environmentalism was instilled in me by two very responsible parents (actually, come to think of it, when I reflect on how amazing my parents are, I should be a WAY better person than I am). My mom is a fan of my blog – she’s totally unbiased, by the way – and sent me a few links she suggested I highlight:
Green Seal is “an independent non-profit organization dedicated to safeguard the environment and transforming the marketplace by promoting the use of environmentally responsible products and services.”
Green Seal serves a similar purpose to organizations that certify organic food. By being an outside organization they can objectively rate products as being green. The website makes it easy to find certified products as well as register products/services if you are a environmentally responsible manufacturer.
Michael Vicks
Black is the new President
Okay, nevermind. Apparently NBC has pulled all SNL clips from YouTube so you have to use official clips from their site. While I don't mind this, I still wish more money from the practice went to writers (yes, I know they're getting a little more after the strike, but the producers could have thrown them a few more bones). I guess NBC thinks they're doing us bloggers a favor because they have a whole page with embedded codes "for your blog!" However, it's like six links and they're all from the most recent week's SNL. If anyone can find the Michael Vicks one, please pass it this way! While we wait, here a clip from this week that features Tracy Morgan's reflections on Barack Obama:
An Apple a Day Part II
FarmAndFood.org is great for finding NY area farmer’s markets and restaurants while FarmersMarket.com is a national directory.
This is all making me very hungry…
What's NOT in Your Water Part II
I do write this blog with the small family or city living in mind, but after thinking about this question, I thought about what my parents did for my family (of 4). My parents were very responsible with everything my brother and I consumed, from the meat they cooked (which I’m about to celebrate my 15th year as a vegetarian next month!) to the water we drank. Because of this, they resorted to spring water. This turned into a huge waste of plastic from the bottles and energy from having water delivered. Like the reader mentioned above, a small pitcher would not have worked for my family as we drink water like camels (my mother never let us drink soda except for the weekends, and not even often then). However, my father found a devise that did work well and saved our family money every year.
Whirlpool offers a three-filter reverse osmosis water flirtation system. This system goes under your sink and comes with a separate faucet (so you can still use plain old municiple water for cleaning and what not) AND this system does reduce lead, which was another complaint Anonymous voiced on the entry.

I hope this suggestion helps, Anonymous. If any one else has additional suggestions, send them along!

As many of you have noticed (like those to whom I sent the wrong link – sorry!) the title of this blog is Everyday Environmentalists, with an s. Although I am an Everyday Environmentalist (no royal we on this blog) I added the s to the name because I think of this as an online community of like-minded individuals, rather than a ranting place for a single person. Because of that mentality, I am going to dedicated my next few blogs to tips that were sent to me by readers. I value your input more than I can easily relay with words and do not believe I can thank you enough.
EE Indira posted a link on my Dummer entry to a recent posting on AutoBlogGreen.com regarding BMW’s renewed interest in an all electric car. Now, for any one else who was a fan of Who Killed the Electric Car? or just just a fan of the environment in general, this is VERY exciting.
Thanks for the link Indira!
Air-Brained Idea
Showering in the morning is great, one of the best of life's simple pleasures. Stepping into a warm, steaming hot shower is matched by few other visceral experiences. However, showers never starts steaming hot, and one always ends letting a few gallons go wastefully down the drain as the cold water flushes from the pipes. And understandably so, who wants a cold shower?
The quick fix suggested for this is to put a bucket in the shower and let the cold water run into it, then use it to water your plants. Sure, plants don't need watering everyday, but if you did this once a week, you would save the water that would normally go down the drain as well the water you would use to quench the thirst of your plants. Being green is so easy sometimes.
I Would Marry Keith Olbermann

Can YOU Hear Us: Part 2
"I said nothing that was not true, I said nothing out of hate and I don't believe my colleagues will censure me," Kern said today.
Nothing that wasn't true? So homosexuality IS a bigger threat our country than terrorism? Perhaps she saw the episode of South Park where the Queer Eye guys were actually crab people in disguise trying to take over the world.
Senator Kern seems to think people are supportive of her behavior. We can continue to tell her we are not. However, people, STOP sending death threats. Don't sink to their level of bigotry. Let her words be what destroys her.
Read about some of the legislature she has tried to pass.
What's NOT in Your Water
There’s Brita and PUR, what about the new pitcher in town, Clear2o. It claims to remove 5x more contaminants than “other guys” and holds 50% more water.
After checking out this review on Associated Content, it turns out Clear2o filters Alachlor, Atrazine, Asbestos, Benzene, Cadmium, Barbofuran, Bromoform, Carbon tetrachloride, Chlorine Dioxide, Chlorobenzene, Chloroform, Chloropicrin, Cysts, 2,4-D, Dibromochloropropane, o-dichlorobenzene, p-dichloroethane, 1,2-dishloroethane, Dioxin, Endrin, Ethylbenzene, Haloacetonitriles, Heptachlor, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, Lindane, Methoxychlor, Nitrite, Styrene, Simazine, Styrene, Toluene and many more.
Clear2o actually hooks up to your faucet, which means you will have to remove your faucet's aerator a

Thanks Laura
Pharmaceuticals in the water are being blamed for severe reproductive problems in many types of fish: The endangered razorback sucker and male fathead minnow have been found with lower sperm counts and damaged sperm; some walleyes and male carp have become what are called feminized fish, producing egg yolk proteins typically made only by females.
Meanwhile, female fish have developed male genital organs. Also, there are skewed sex ratios in some aquatic populations, and sexually abnormal bass that produce cells for both sperm and eggs.
There are problems with other wildlife as well: kidney failure in vultures, impaired reproduction in mussels, inhibited growth in algae.
"We have no reason to think that this is a unique situation," says Erik Orsak, an environmental contaminants specialist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pulling off rubber gloves splattered with fish blood at Lake Mead. "We find pretty much anywhere we look, these compounds are ubiquitous."
Method, not just for actors

I have blogged about Method products before, but I have recently discovered a new one that I am official in love with. Method "Le Scrub" tub cleaner. It is 100% natural and comes with a handy dandy washable scrubber - oh, but it doesn't stop there. The bottle has a built-in scrubber holder. This beautiful blue bottle lives in my bathtub right now and I can't tell you how much more fun it is to get on my hands and knees and scrub away at the tub with a refreshing and rejuvenating all-natural scent invading my olfactory senses in place of the bleach that normally makes me dizzy. AND there is another product I have yet to try, Lil Blue Bowel. Two amazing new Method products! I see a bathroom threesome in my near future.
What's In YOUR Water

An Apple a Day
People are examining their everyday spending and trying to figure out what could be cut out. CNN posted a story today that examined a few items people are deciding they can live without. I have already blogged about how to make one’s coffee a more eco-friendly habit and about how to make take-out and delivery a more Earth loving affair, so I will skip that lecture.
With people cutting back on what they are spending on their food intake, the grocery store seems like a logical option. When grocery shopping, try to buy organic, which is not just for the good of the planet, but for the good of the people who grow your food and for

For the dairy lovers out there, organic milk and cheese is also a really good investment. If you want to take it one step further, you can buy local dairy products. By doing so, you are further reducing your carbon footprint because less energy was used to transport the milk. And buying locally may help offset the cost of the organic process as the rising cost of milk has been attributed to the rising gas prices.
Just some hopefully helpful tips for your budget-saving Monday.
Declartion on the Environment
Here is a letter in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution written by Jonathan Merritt, a spokesperson for the Souther Baptist Environment and Climate Initiative. And here is the article he is responding to.
However, last week I posted a blog that was a call to arms for Christians to be more environmentally minded (not my most popular blog, but I still feel it brought up some good points). Well, either the pope is a fan of my blog (thanks Benedict) or I’m psychic, or perhaps I just have my finger to the pulse. Regardless, the Vatican has listed ecological offenses as new social sins and has even gone as far as to use solar cells to produce electricity for the Vatican. In all fairness, the Pope did also denounce stem cell research, which I do not agree with (especially since research can be done with umbilical cord blood), but like I said, it is a cold day in…well you know, when the Vatican and I agree.
Can YOU Hear Us?
What do they say about hindsight?
"If one candidate is trying to scare you and the other one is trying to get you to think, if one candidate is appealing to your fears and the other one is appealing to your hopes, you better vote for the person who wants you to think and hope." - Bill Clinton, 2004.
Another reason why Obama is my choice for green candidate

Reason? A brilliant little website called Obamacycle. Why so brilliant? Because Obama campaigners from across the country can reuse campaign materials from other states. There is an easy to navigate forum where supporters can post “have it” and “need it” messages. So, if you are done with your literature and materials or have more than you will use, you can send it along to another eager supporter who will gladly take it off your hands. Just another way Obama is taking steps to be an environmentally responsible candidate. Thanks again to my awesome friend Vinny for sending this along to me.
Now, if I can stop crying in my cereal, I’ll post my live blogging from last nights CNN coverage of the results.
Hippity Hoppity

Easter is also a great time to begin instilling ideas of conservation and environmental responsibility on the little ones, whether they are your own, your nieces or nephews, or annoying little snots that live in your neighborhood.
Some of the ways to host a more eco-friendly Easter celebration are quite easy:
• Only boil as many eggs as you will eat. Yes, it is fun for the young ones to find a plethora of eggs in the back yard and around the house, but it is also fun to teach them about conservation. Don’t set a bad example by boiling 30 eggs and then throwing away 15 at the end of the night.
• Only use cage free, organic eggs. The thought of hormone fattened hens sitting in and eating their own feces due to the fact that their legs are broken and they are caught between a myriad of other fattened and stationary hens really takes something away from the Easter spirit, you know??
• Give the kiddies fairtrade, organic chocolate. I recommend Endangered Species Chocolate, who donates 10% of their net profit to support species, habitat, and humanity. Artbar, based out of Ithaca, NY, is another yummy option with all fairtrade chocolate.
• Make sure the dyes you use for the eggs are ALL NATURAL, because exposing little ones to chemicals is not so fun. Or, better, yet, make your own dyes.
A Common Thread
I believe that there are many connections between environmentalism and numerous religions, particularly Buddhism, and I believe that God speaks many languages and knows many cultures. However, I am dedicating this particular blog to the responsibility I believe Christians have to the fight against global warming, the responsibility they have to fight for the animals who cannot speak for themselves, and to the responsibility they have to the fight for the poor of the world who are exposed to countless number of harmful chemicals dumped in their back yards because the rich of the world find it convenient to do so. I am dedicating this blog to Christianity because it is the religion of which I know the most and of whose text I have most studied (and I believe that I am even a novice at that).
The connection between Christianity and environmentalism just seems logical to me. When I speak of Christianity, I am referring to it in its truest form, or at least its truest form I know. It’s incredibly unfortunate that Christianity is represented by so many judgmental and greedy individuals. I realize that our media does give more attention to brainless ranting and raving, but maybe if enough people who had positive messages spoke out, the media would be forced to pay attention. Below are a few passages from the Bible that I think show how easy the bridge would be to build between the two groups as well as illustrate the duty of a Christian to stand up and take stewardship of this beautiful gift we call Earth and of all of God’s creatures.
Psalm 96:10,12 The Lord Reigns. . . Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them. Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy.
Ezekiel 34: 17, 18 As for you, my flock. . . .Is it not enough for you to feed on good pasture? Must you also trample the rest of your pasture with your feet? Is it not enough for you to drink clear water? Must you also muddy the rest with your feet?
Job 12:7-10 But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all humanity.
Psalm 104: 25, 30 In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number living things both large and small. . . When you send your Spirit, they are created, and you renew the earth.
Isaiah 55: 12-13 . . .The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. . . All this will be a memorial for the Lord, a sign that for all time will not be cut off.
Black is the new...
Although the original blog was green to go along with the theme (I’m very subtle therefore hard to truly understand sometimes), I realized I was being counter productive by not embracing the same philosophy as my home page.
Blackle also believes that small, everyday steps can help save the environment, and so far, they have almost 500,000 watt hours to back them up.
Image display uses more energy on your computer than any other function, and it takes a lot more energy to display white than it does to display black.
According to Blackle, if you set it as your homepage “every time you load your Internet browser you will save a little bit of energy. Remember every bit counts! You will also be reminded about the need to save energy each time you see the Blackle page load.”
Also, I love it, because it’s creation was inspired by a blog. Seriously. Google read the following blog, and listened. How many other billion dollar corporations can say that.
Hope is a powerful thing...
This weekend I canvassed in Rhode Island for Obama and found the process to be exhilarating. Going door to door is not normally my idea of fun and I haven’t done so since I had a paper route, yet in place of the shyness I expected in myself when knocking on strangers’ doors I found courage and excitement. Almost everyone was eager to talk about who they were voting for and why, even if we disagreed (save one Hillary supporter who cursed at me).
I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to go out there and support the candidates you believe in. If enough of us stood up and yelled, a green candidate member could actually hold a national elected office.
My favorite moment of the weekend was when I knocked on the door of a woman who had been visited the day before. I apologized for our mistake and her response was, “That’s okay, I’m just happy to see young people so excited about politics.”
We are excited. And our voices will be heard.

My weekends are split between two local coffee shops in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The first (also my first coffee love of BK) is Oslo, an amazing cozy but roomy establishment (roomy by NY standards) that offers an assortment of coffee delights. They are friendly, treat each order like its the only one of the day, and offer several different roast for purchase by the pound, all fairtrade certified. The second, and closer option is Gimme! Coffee, which offers a bit more variety, if you like fancy, sugar-filled drinks (alright, sometimes I do as well) and also offers many a fairtrade option – this is a good time to remind the reader that to be certified as fairtrade the grower/producer must adhere to strict social AND environmental standards.
Now, Gimme! Coffee has fantastic brews, and is much closer, yet I will always go to Oslo if time permits. Why do you ask? Very simple reason. Oslo has Gimme! beat on the douche bag to square foot ratio (DB:foot^2).
If you find yourself at Oslo coffee at 1 PM on a random weekday (as I have before), the activity level is slightly less than weekend. Writers clunk away on their MacBooks, mothers with strollers push their children in for their much-deserved afternoon break, pleasant baristas greet you and probably remember your order if you are a daytime regular.
Let’s have a look at Gimme! around the same time on that same day. Although equally filled with sticker covered MacBooks, the scribes turn out to be self-important bloggers (awkward whistle from me) who do not pay their bills with well-crafted diatribes, but rather with their bond trader father’s good will. Walk over to the condiment bar and you find a 10-minute wait to put a lid on your latte as two impassioned hipsters are in a to-the-death battle about whether or not Kafka’s work can even be relevant to a debate on the impersonality and bureaucracy of an industrialized world considering his true wishes were for all of his manuscripts to be destroyed following his death. A mother brings in her 4-year-old and orders a Grasshopper and a decaf latte for the child. When the caring barista reminds her that decaf still retains a small amount of caffeine and therefore may not suitable for a child of her age the mother explains that her daughter, Metalica (NOT named after the band, the band has two L’s, thank you) picks her own bedtime as her parents do not burden her with the constraints of a time limit on when her day should end just because society believes a child should be in bed early, so she is not phased by the caffeine warning.
Back to Oslo. The barista chats with a patron about the latest Idiotarod and some his favorite costumes, which prompts another patron to ask her friend if she has decided on her Lebowskifest costume yet. The peace is interrupted by a loud customer who walks up to the bar, Final Cut enabled MacBook Pro in hand, mumbles an order through his greasy locks, and then goes back to his iPhone “No, I won’t cut a second, 158 minutes is not that long and if people don’t want to sit through then fuck ‘em, they won’t get it anyway.” While he waits for his milk to froth, he angrily dials another number on his iPhone and begins to bitch at his mother about how worthless his NYU film education is and demands $10,000 to finish editing his film as compensation for wasting his time by making him attain a worthless piece of paper for her to hang on her wall. “None of the true visionaries mother’s made them get degrees,” he argues. The annoyed patrons around him take a few steps away. AND THERE IT IS. Space to move. The DB:foot^2 ration is low enough that the annoyed drinker and can move away from said douche bag, which is not always a luxury available at Gimme! And for this simple luxury, I have walked the extra blocks, to Oslo. So, while both shops offer great tasting, fairtrade beverages, Oslo has the upper hand in winning the DB:foot^2 ratio.